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CCLIU is an up & coming international footwear brand who has set foot in Singapore to setup its headquarters.
As a new brand, we came onboard as the official marketing agency to manage through-the-line efforts for them. First up is the seasonal
ad campaign to establish the brand images for the hip, young & adventuruous ones. With professional photoshoot, enhanced with digital imaging, the creative & art direction sets it apart from the conventional fashion shoe ads. It is given a more edgy treatment with a twist
in storyline in each ad series.
Bearing in mind the regional usage, we dared to be bold yet versatile so that ads can be adapted for more conservative countries. A
seasonal lookbook is also created to visually entice the trade partners and consumers.
CCILU's branding website is designed to be responsive to enhance web experience through its clientele of mobile and conventional web
users. We also brought them onto Facebook - the key social media platform to bring the brand closer to it's consumers worldwide.
To better present the brand & products, we curated visual contents highlighting the brand essence and product USPs to evoke the
curiosity, increasing the appeal and "stickiness" of web pages with their customers.
Conversation and engagement is planned with an effort to make this an active community. Within a couple of months, we increased
their fan base from 250 to 19K Fans and counting!