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5 Ultra-Useful Tips through Audit Process

Important assessment provided in a Audit report to show if you are making sense in your Facebook marketing.

Profile Assessment
Best practices checks on your profile setup & information
Verification Check Mark
Best practices on attaining your check mark verification and how to work towards it
Competitive Analysis and Landscape
Competitor Checks and performance. How you might be able to maintain or outperform them.
Content Analysis
Best practices and analysis on the last 10 posts made by your page. Includes advice on frequency and type of content for your industry.
BONUS: Personal Analysis
Personal assessment by Rachel Pang, CEO of OCG and team, which have personally helped many brands get into the radar in Singapore.

Note: This FREE Service has a component which our team manually assess your Facebook page. Due to overwhelming responses, we give priority to emails with company domains. Thank you for understanding.